NX 9060

Label Catalogue Number:
Running Time: 01:16:23
Release Date: June 2020
Originally recorded in 2019
Originally recorded in 2019
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Australia’s premier guitar quartet Guitar Trek reflects life in modern Australia with a programme that showcases works of immense color and rhythmic vitality. The album includes the rich melodic and nostalgic quality of Richard Charlton’s Five Tails in Cold Blood (including the eponymous ‘Bluetongue’); the driving energy and shifting timbres of Nigel Westlake’s Six Fish that adds the distinctive sound of the 12-string guitar and dobro to the mix; and at its heart the music of Philip Houghton, one of the most original and poetically imaginative guitar composers of our time. The energy, enthusiasm and affection of Australian quartet Guitar Trek for its artistic mission surrounds this recording like an attractive aura. The album highlights some of the best guitar quartets written by Australian composers for Guitar Trek and others over the past 30 years; the all-Australian-made instruments used by the quartet adding further synergy to the whole. This recording has extra personal meaning to the ensemble as it serves as a homage to two very close friends of the group who have passed away in recent times: composer Phillip Houghton, four of whose works form the core of the programme, and luthier Graham Caldersmith whose instruments are featured on the release.

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“… Recording quality is spacious and realistic, with excellent balance between instruments. Liner notes by each composer are well written and enhance the listener’s understanding of this new music. Guitar Trek is an ensemble of state-of-the-art creativity-admirable ambassadors for Australia in the world of guitar.”
James McCutcheon – American Record Guide – July/August 2021
“… With so many cookie-cutter guitar recordings on the market, Bluetongue (named after one of Charlton’s Five Tails) stands out, not just for the strength of the musicianship but also for the interest that the repertory generates. A strong recommendation, then!”
Raymond Tuttle – Fanfare – March/April 2021
"...As their titles suggest, most of the pieces on this disc have extra-musical inspirations; some represent, or re-present, Australian creatures or landscapes. They are played by Guitar Trek, an Australian guitar quartet which was formed in 1987. On this recording, its members, Timothy Kain, Minh Le Hoang, Bradley Kunda and Matt Withers play, in various combinations, standard guitars, treble guitar, baritone guitar, bass guitar and dobro. It has been the music of Elina Kats-Chernin and Philip Houghton which has most impressed me on this disc."
Glyn Pursglove - MusicWeb-International.com - July 2020
Editor's Choice
"Timothy Kain and Guitar Trek have been an integral part of the Australian musical landscape for more than 30 years now, but it seems like this new CD might just be their crown jewel of releases. Performing using their unique Graham Caldersmith-designed guitar family (bass, baritone, and treble instruments in addition to the normal guitar), this is a terrific disc. Alongside Kain’s superb recent solo Naxos disc, it’s hard to imagine a better summary of Australian guitar music... A wonderful CD that every admirer of Australian music should have in their collection" *****
Paul Balham-Cross - Limelightmagazine.co,.au - 3 September 2020
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