Search results for: edward gregson orchestral music in category "Vocal & Song"
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24 pages of results.
Emilia Dalby: Songs Vocal & Song Orchestral & Concertos Signum [Orchestral & Concertos] [Signum] [Vocal & Song]
The Earth Resounds Vocal & Song Early Music Coro Records [Coro Records] [Early Music] [Vocal & Song]
España - A Choral Postcard from Spain Vocal & Song World / Folk Music Signum [Signum] [Vocal & Song] [World / Folk Music]
Borodin; Requiem Vocal & Song Orchestral & Concertos Signum [Orchestral & Concertos] [Signum] [Vocal & Song]
Saint-Saëns - Requiem / Organ Symphony Orchestral & Concertos Vocal & Song Signum [Orchestral & Concertos] [Signum] [Vocal & Song]
Mahler: Totenfeier / Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen Vocal & Song Orchestral & Concertos Signum [Orchestral & Concertos] [Signum] [Vocal & Song]
Andriessen: Anais Nin/De Staat Orchestral & Concertos Vocal & Song Signum [Orchestral & Concertos] [Signum] [Vocal & Song]
Lazarus Requiem - Patrick Hawes Vocal & Song Orchestral & Concertos Signum [Orchestral & Concertos] [Signum] [Vocal & Song]
Jonathan Dove - There Was A Child Orchestral & Concertos Vocal & Song Signum [Orchestral & Concertos] [Signum] [Vocal & Song]
Mahler: Kindertotenlieder/ Strauss: Notturno Orchestral & Concertos Vocal & Song Chandos [Chandos] [Orchestral & Concertos] [Vocal & Song]
Mendelssohn: Elijah Vocal & Song Orchestral & Concertos Signum [Orchestral & Concertos] [Signum] [Vocal & Song]
Martin: Der Sturm/ Maria-Tryptychon/Sechs Monologs aus Jedermann Orchestral & Concertos Vocal & Song Chandos [Chandos] [Orchestral & Concertos] [Vocal & Song]
Aksel! - Arias by Bach, Handel & Mozart Vocal & Song Orchestral & Concertos Signum [Orchestral & Concertos] [Signum] [Vocal & Song]
Davis/Vivaldi - Seasons Vocal & Song Orchestral & Concertos Signum [Orchestral & Concertos] [Signum] [Vocal & Song]
Mahler: Das klagende Lied Orchestral & Concertos Vocal & Song Chandos [Chandos] [Orchestral & Concertos] [Vocal & Song]
Strauss, R: Symphony · Six Songs Orchestral & Concertos Vocal & Song Chandos [Chandos] [Orchestral & Concertos] [Vocal & Song]
Marilyn Hill Smith / Stuart Barry - Kalman/ Lehar: Operetta Orchestral & Concertos Vocal & Song Chandos [Chandos] [Orchestral & Concertos] [Vocal & Song]
Queen Mary's Big Belly Vocal & Song Early Music Signum [Early Music] [Signum] [Vocal & Song]
Bartok - The Miraculous Mandarin etc Orchestral & Concertos Vocal & Song Signum [Orchestral & Concertos] [Signum] [Vocal & Song]
Symphonic Psalms & Prayers Vocal & Song Orchestral & Concertos Signum [Orchestral & Concertos] [Signum] [Vocal & Song]
James McCarthy: Codebreaker/Will Todd: Ode To A Nightingale Orchestral & Concertos Vocal & Song Signum [Orchestral & Concertos] [Signum] [Vocal & Song]
Mahler: Symphony No. 4/ Leider eines fahrenden Gesellen Orchestral & Concertos Vocal & Song Chandos [Chandos] [Orchestral & Concertos] [Vocal & Song]
Gwyneth Jones: Wagner Arias Vocal & Song Orchestral & Concertos Chandos [Chandos] [Orchestral & Concertos] [Vocal & Song]
Strauss, R: Aus Italien · 4 Songs Orchestral & Concertos Vocal & Song Chandos [Chandos] [Orchestral & Concertos] [Vocal & Song]