Cecilia McDowall is one of Britain’s most acclaimed composers. Her choral music, in particular, has earned her a worldwide reputation, yet an equally distinctive voice is revealed in her organ works. The O Antiphon Sequence, commissioned by the American Guild of Organists, is capricious, meditative and luminous. The George Herbert Trilogy encompasses rhapsody and brilliance, while McDowall’s mastery of the miniature form is demonstrated in her contribution to a project to finish Bach’s incomplete Orgelbüchlein.
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“Moments of great loveliness and contemplation, as well as jubilation contrasted with sadness.”
Mark S. Zimmer – MusicWeb-International.com – 7 February 2022
“… Fox’s playing is consistent and colourful, and the Walker organ from the 1960’s is an inspired choice as its mid-century neo-Baroque clarity, and the pleasant but not overwhelmingly wet acoustic is a perfect match for McDowall’s textures. This disc is enjoyable from beginning to end – certainly for organists looking for new repertoire, but for any listeners who enjoy organ music too.”
Carson Cooman – Fanfare – July/August 2021
“This is a fine and enjoyable disc which serves Cecilia McDowall’s organ music very well indeed.”
John Quinn – MusicWeb-Interntional.com – 21 April 2021
Performance **** Recording ****
“… In every area (music, performer, instrument, recording) this album offers plenty to enjoy.”
Geoff Brown – BBC Music magazine – March 2021
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