Chandos Records

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Download Manager Instructions

Step 1.

If you have already a previous version of the Chandos Download manager, please uninstall from your system before upgrading.
We have dispensed with the Adobe Air system.

Step 2.

Download the appropriate Chandos Downloader for your system from the links below:

Windows 32bit
Windows 64Bit  
Mac OS  

Please Note: We currently do not support ChromeOS on Chromebooks

Step 3.

Click on 'Change Download Directory' button to select your location for your saved music. Close the downloader.

Step 4.

From the tracks listed in the panel on your account page, first select the format that you purchased using the coloured round icons near the top.
Then select the tracks you wish to download. Clicking 'Add all' will download the whole album.
Lastly click the green  'Selected via Download Manager' button, under the list of tracks.

Step 5.

A text file will be produced with a .chn extension. It looks something like this: 3hsad7kernvpsa8mfrdv6sdv09sv95.chn
This file will present itself available for download in a different way dependent on the browser used. (see - browser help page)
It will be saved to your usual document download location and has a life of 24 hours.
Click on this file. The downloader will not appear with your ordered tracks unless you do.

Step 6.

The new download manager should automatically open with your tracks listed. After selecting your download folder, your tracks should start to download. An indicator on the right of each track will show you the progress of each download. When all of your tracks have finished downloading, you can find your tracks by clicking on the button marked 'Open Download Folder'.

If you have any problems please see the download manager help pages for more information.

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Chandos Records
Chandos House
1 Commerce Park
Commerce Way
United Kingdom